Top tips to conserve more water in the new year

We’re now well into the new year, a time when most people are thinking of resolutions and ways they can better themselves in 2018. For a lot of people, living a more sustainable lifestyle is a big factor, which is why we’ve put together this guide on some easy ways to conserve more water in the new year. Whether through tasks like turning off taps or more installing a grundfos home booster pump, these tips are sure to help you lower your costs and improve your sustainability in 2018 and beyond.


Remember to turn taps off

We’ve all been guilty of leaving our tap on when brushing our teeth, but if you’re hoping to conserve water, breaking out of this habit is the first place to start. To put things into perspective, a running tap wastes around 5 litres of water per minute. Train yourself to be more mindful of water use by only using the tap to wet your toothpaste and rinse, and make sure to secure your tap tightly after use - a dripping tap can waste around 15 litres of water per day!


Choose showers over baths

We all know how amazing a hot bath can be on a cold Winter’s night, but if you’re finding yourself taking baths more frequently, it might be time to cut down for the sake of your water use. Limit yourself to one or two baths a week, and have a shower the rest of the days. The good news is, with the help of a Grundfos home booster pump from Complete Pump Supplies, you can easily turn your shower into heaven on earth!


Keep track of water use

Installing a water meter into the home is a reliable way to monitor how much water is being used. You’ll get more of an idea of what behaviours are causing more water use, such as an increase in use after you’ve been using a hose pipe or taking multiple baths throughout the week. When you can see first hand how much you’re actually paying, you’ll be more likely to want to waste less water as a cost cutting solution.


Recycle rainwater

If you’re not already using a rain barrel in your home, 2018 is the time to start. Rain barrels collect rain water which can then be used for a lot of day to day tasks such as cleaning your car or watering plants, without the need to use up new water.


Do your washing more efficiently

This means making sure the whole family’s dirty clothes are gathered at once and ready to be washed, saving you having to use the washing machine multiple times through the week. The same can also be said about using your dishwasher, making sure to fit as much in at once. Doing so will ultimately use less water, and mean there’s less work that needs to be done - a win win situation!


Experiencing low water pressure in your home? Aside from installing a grundfos home booster pump, find out what you can do to boost water pressure and in turn reduce water waste here.